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Audition for Squad



Students who are interested in the rigorous training program of Squad Harmonix come from a variety of musical backgrounds with many stemming from musical theater. We love to receive students with music exposure of any sort, but we find that a cappella-style singing can be very challenging even for students with significant singing experience. Where musical theater singing, for example, may value volume and projection, A capella singing will prioritize pitch,  blend, and tone matching, many qualities of which young singers have not been exposed to learning yet in their development. Further to this, the ability to sing with no accompaniment is extremely hard if students have not done this before.


The requirements of Squad Harmonix are rigorous, but they are put in place for a reason. We are the most advanced vocal training program in Los Angeles for young singers, training them in skills they are most likely not to experience until they are in their late teens.  Please trust the process.





New students wanting to audition for Pop, Junior, or Senior Squad are required to register with LJMA as a LJMA family HERE.  Once you register you will be sent an email with a link to book your required in-person meeting with our Director Laura.  You have the option to add an audition to this meeting.


Please see below for audition requirements and what to prepare for your audition/meeting.


Alternatively, if you don't want to audition in person then we recommend attending our Voice Intensive Performance Summer Camp.  This is a three-week intense summer camp full of training where we can work more closely with students and analyze their abilities over a longer period. 


Varsity Squad members are invited on a case-by-case basis and all new members will be given a 6 week trial and are required to complete all the music theory and sight reading requirements alongside their training.







  • Vocalists:


      • Please prepare a verse and chorus of your favorite pop song, ideally one minute in length (no musical theater or classical songs)

      • The song must be performed a cappella (no backing tracks or piano)

      • You will be tested on pitch recognition, range, call and response, and major scales.


  •  Beatboxers​


      • Prepare a 30-second example of you beatboxing along to any pop song of your choice. Ideally, show us a range of sounds that you can use when Beatboxing. Keeping tempo is key.​
      • You will also be asked to clap the beat of a random song (in 4/4 or 3/4 time) emphasizing the first beat of every measure. 





  • Vocalists and Beatboxers

    • SOLO AUDITION - See instructions for POP SQUAD 


  • Vocalists only

    • HARMONY AUDITION - You will also be required to prepare and sing a harmony audition. Please click HERE for audition materials. 


  • Beatboxers only

    • TEMPO AUDITION - You will also be required to prepare a tempo audition. Please click HERE for audition materials. 





Click HERE for information on Squad as a training program including rehearsals, music videos, recordings, shows, and training. 


Click HERE for the Squad Harmonix Professional Website



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